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Before Opening The Store:

  • Detailed location assessment
  • According to the type of business around the area, a regional operational strategy will be drawn up.
  • Guarantee regional business circles and identify their competitive advantages
  • Professional store design and dynamic planning
  • The pleasing bar display, perfect cashier line plan, chic signboards and special style decoration.
  • Complete business technology transfer and education training.
  • Before opening the store, you should completed Know- how
  • 詳細的地點評估及商圈調查。 
  • 針對經營區域型態差異,擬定區域經營作戰策略。
  • 保障區域商圈,發揮優勢競爭力。
  • 專業的店舖設計與動線規劃。
  • 賞心悅目的吧台陳列、完善的動線規劃、 別緻的招牌、特殊風格的裝潢。
  • 完整的經營技術傳授及教育訓練。
  • 開店前完整經營事業Know-how轉移。

After Opening The Store:

  • Logistic distribution services.
  • Free follow-up technical consulting services
  • Headquarters will assign a commissioner who is responsible for the operation coaching for each franchise store and will provide improvement plans and recommendation for each franchise.
  • Annual large-scale promotion plan.
  • The headquarters has a research and development department and they are responsible for the replacement of productions, and adjusts product strategies. They help develop new products with marketing strategies to attract more customers. The research department will also provide the latest business information and marketing intelligence for each franchise store.
  • 物流配送服務。
  • 免費後續技術諮詢服務。
  • 總部指派專員負責每家加盟店的營運輔導, 提供各加盟店改善方案與建議。
  • 年度大規模促銷活動企劃。
  • 總部設有研發部門,負責產品的汰舊換新, 並依市場變化狀況,調整產品策略及研發 具市場競爭力的新產品上市。
  • 提供各加盟店最新經營訊息與市場情報。
  • 完整的經營技術傳授及教育訓練。
  • 開店前完整經營事業Know-how轉移

Why join you ask yourself? Well the franchise headquarters usually has a set of successful logistics, management, finance, marketing and other processes already to help with your business. The franchisee only needs to directly copy these successful experiences such as, avoid any initial exploration and wrong experiences, and avoid the cost of logistic support such as research and development, personnel, management and etc. Franchisee should concentrate on the stores operations and improve the chances of success in entrepreneurship. According to the statistics of Taiwan Association of Associations, the success rate of joining entrepreneurs is 80%. There are as many as 1.1 million small and medium size enterprises in Taiwan. For many years, business has been fighting alone. There are generally “small and weak” characteristics about opening a business such as lack of capitalism, weak physical strength and the lack of power. However, joining the franchise system, the amount of work and problem can be shared. With franchising with a company, you share the successful experience of people, and the pattern of successful experience of the past. Have your spirit of entrepreneurship ready.

In conclusion, joining includes the shortening of exploration period of entrepreneurship, you are not required to have a high degree of education or any professional skills, entrepreneurs can concentrate on the operations of the store. It also reduces the change of entrepreneurs¬hip, showing brand benefits, reducing the benefits of opening stores and operating cost and greatly improving the success. And most importantly opportunity.

為什麼要加盟?加盟總部通常已有一套成功的物流、管理、財務、行銷等流程,加盟業者只需要直接複製這些成功經驗,免去創業初期的摸索、錯誤經驗,免去研發、人事、管理等後勤支援的成本,專心在店面經營,大大提昇創業成功機率,根據台灣加盟促進協會會員統計發現,加盟創業成功機率達8成。 尤其台灣中小企業高達110萬家,長久以來習慣單打獨鬥,普遍存有「小、弱、散」特性,也就是資本額小、體質弱、力量分散的缺失,而加入加盟體系可直接分享前人成功經驗,把成功經驗模式直接複製,只要準備好創業的精神就可以了。



Evaluate the capital needs: assess how much money you need to prepare for your own business and then see how much you can get from your funds. If you do not have enough, think about the ways you get the most favorable loans and reduce the cost of capital. An overall inspection of venture capital will help you consider the scale and direction of the initial business.

